News Archive 2020
2020 Update
Unfortunately, having not done an update for some time, I forgot exactly how to set up my new page for 2021 and proceeded erroneously to over-write my 2021 update on this page, thus losing what I'd hoped to archive here. However you can still go back to previous years' entries using the 'archive news' button above.
With lockdown and sheltering, things were pretty quiet when I wrote then - there were 2 or 3 paragraphs on the new novel; a section on the story 'The House Where Jack Dwelt' making its appearance at last in Ireland's 'Albedo' s.f./fantasy magazine (see cover repro below); a piece on the then new Swamp Thing anthology and a link to my first contribution to International Times - a satirical short story called 'What You Wish For'. Here's the link to that one again: